10 Points to Keep in Mind When Identifying the Best Day Care for Your Child

Confused, stressed and cannot decide which daycare to enrol your precious one in?

Fret not as we have some advice that might help you arrive at the best fit for your child.

Choosing a daycare can be quite a daunting and overwhelming task for a parent and understandably so. It takes a lot to trust someone with your child and feel assured that they will take the best care of your child and the place will be a ‘home away from home’ for the little one.

The decision making becomes even more difficult in bigger cities which are flooded with these facilities. Choosing daycare in Gurgaon, for instance, is one uphill task.

Therefore, it is vital that we, as parents, do thorough research on the options at hand and make an informed choice.

How to Choose the Best Day Care in Gurgaon

1. Recommendations: Look out for recommended daycare schools as experiences of the present, and past parents are extremely valuable. Talk to other parents when visiting the school or ask for phone numbers you could connect on.

2. Safety & Hygiene: Access the safety and hygiene facilities of the place. This is again crucial as your child will be at this place the better part of the day, and it is imperative the child’s safety and health is not compromised in any way.

3. Attitude of the Staff: This is another vital criterion. Be it the teachers who will be actively involved in their holistic development or the support staff taking care of their basic physical needs, they should be warm, loving, compassionate and capable.

4. Trained & Energetic Staff: The teachers should be highly qualified and trained in child development with high emotional quotient. A daycare that invests in hiring judiciously and in training their teachers to upgrade their skills should be a preferred choice. Similarly, the support staff should be compassionate and trained in their area of caregiving.

5. Energy of the Place: The general feel and look of the place forms the first, and sometimes the last impression of the place. Positive vibes, cheerful kids, amiable staff, receptive management, bright signage, clean facility all go a long way in making the first impression a positive and lasting one.

6. Curriculum: The day care’s curriculum, how they plan to prepare kids for formal schooling. Is the curriculum geared towards the holistic development of the child, does it recognize the different learning abilities of each child? These are some of the questions you should be asking as this place will lay the foundation of your child’s attitude towards learning in the future. It should be stimulating, enriching, yet fun.

7. Day Flow:  This is very important as it will give you a glimpse into what a typical day for your child will be like. Information on Playtime, meals time, art and craft time, storytelling time and nap time etc. are most useful. You could also request for some tweaking in the routine for your child if required.

8. Meals: Another important aspect, as your child will be here the better part of the day. Well planned, nutritious and balanced meals are most important. The menu should be child-friendly, should have variety, prepared hygienically and served lovingly to the kids.

9. Communication: How do the management and staff interact with the parents? What is the communication policy in place to keep the parents updated? Do they encourage feedback? Are the channels of communication open and receptive? All these factors should be kept in mind when visiting the school or talking to people.

10. Training, Licence & Credentials: Does the philosophy of the daycare filter down from the management? Are they invested in training their staff and themselves periodically? What are the criteria for hiring? Are emergency procedures in place? What accreditations has the daycare received? A committed and progressive daycare will ensure all these factors are in place.

These are some of the factors to keep in mind when scouting for a daycare in Gurgaon, or anywhere in the world for that matter, for your child.


  1. After reading this article i truly believe Building Kidz India has set the new standards among pre schools . Their curriculum is the best in the business , kudos to building kidz school

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